First of all, if you have hefty savings or have parents generous enough to lend you money whenever you need it, you don't need a payday loan. But if you are just like most people - living from paycheck to paycheck and barely paying off bills, you may want to continue reading.
How many times have you found yourself lacking in financial means when it comes to emergencies? How many times have you paid for financial charges because you were not able to pay your credit card bills on time? How often have you had days when you spend moments willing the next payday to come sooner? If you answered often than you care to admit, read on.
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Help for When You Need it Most
A payday loan is one of the quickest ways to have extra cash. For example, if you learn that you need money in the morning, you can find a lending company during your lunch break and apply for the loan. If you have all necessary requirements with you, your loan will be approved right away. By the end of the day, you will already have the amount that you need in your checking account. Some companies do overnight deposit, so you will have the money the very next day. If you get this loan, you will be able to buy medicines or pay for credit card bills on time.
Priceless Convenience
Aside from being quick, applying for this kind of loan is also very easy. In fact, there are only few requirements that you would need to meet. First of all, you will need to prove that you have a regular job. If you have had your job for at least 2 months, you will easily qualify. Your monthly income should also pass the company's minimum income requirement. Moreover, you also need to be 18 or above because these loans cannot be granted to minors. An active checking account is another thing that you will need.
The minimal requirements may blow you away but you will be pleasantly surprised to know that you can apply for a payday loan on the Internet. You can fill out a form in your own office, fax the lending company your identification card and other documents, and wait for your application to get approved. Before you leave the office, your checking account will already be a few hundred dollars heftier.
Policies and Paying the Loan Back
Payday loans carry large fees because they are short-term loans. Usually, you will need to pay it back after two weeks. You have an option to extend the term but you must be prepared to shoulder the heavy fees and interest rate. In just a short while, the money that you have to pay back may already be twice the loaned amount. Furthermore, if you have an outstanding loan with a certain company, you may not be able to apply for a payday loan from other agencies. So it's best to borrow only what you need and nothing more. It is also advisable to pay it back as soon as the term ends.
Loans Till Payday - Payday Loans and Cash Advance in Ontario, Canada
20 Eglinton Ave. East
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
M4P 1A9