You might not be lucky to grab the best deal every time when you are dealing with property. To get your dream property at the desired price you will be ready with money every time till you get the right opportunity. If you are worried about arranging funds for buying your that property you have to look for a loan option to finance your purchase. Bridging loans will be a perfect choice in such cases. This loan will put an end to all your worries.
Most often you may manage to sell off your old property before you buy a new one. But there can be a time when you might want to buy a new property and selling your old property in a quick notice may not be possible and to get the right buyer will also take some time. Bridging loans is the best and the easiest way to arrange the required funds these are the finance to bridge the cash gap that you have between the two dealings
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Bridging loans are secured loans. Therefore the borrower has to place collateral against the loan amount. The amount and term of the loans are decided based on the value of the collateral available.
Following are the different types of properties that an be used as the collateral
o Residential properties like your house, apartments etc.
o Commercial plots
o Auctioned properties
o Retail shops that is owned by you
Urgent financial requirements that the borrowers have is understood by the lenders of these loans. Therefore the application and allotment process is quickly completed. The necessary documents are to be provided at the time of application to get the loan. Taking the help of a professional solicitor will help in completing the application process in the desired pace.
People often hesitate to opt for bridging loans due to their bad credit score. However the good news is that, bad credit scorers can also avail a Bridging Loans. Bridging loans are short term loans and hence the interest rate charged is generally slightly higher than traditional loans in some cases. However, there are easy repayment installments available and repayment period can be adjusted according to the need of the borrower.
You may have to repay the loan on time or just after the old property is sold. The repayment time is generally of 12 months wherein the borrower can sell the old property and repay the Bridging Loans. You can find a lot of valuable information about bridging loans on the internet. The entire process of bridging loans is flexible and its services can be adjusted as per the needs of borrower.