Applying for a cash loan is usually pretty easy. You can apply for a cash loan at many different institutions and they can get you just enough cash to make it through the month or a little further.
Need a Personal Loan
You may need a personal loan for almost anything. You could be going on vacation, remodeling your home or just simply need some extra cash to consolidate bills. When applying for a personal loan you will be faced with a decision of rather you want a secured loan or an unsecured loan.
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A personal loan will help you get the cash you need quickly. A personal loan will leave you with options such as how much money you want to borrow and how much time you want to pay back the money. These options will affect what your monthly payment is and will affect what the over-all interest will be, so make sure you know all terms and conditions.
Unlike other loans, a personal loan gives you freedom in how you spend your money. The bank has no say about how you spend your money, but these freedoms do make it harder to get a personal loan.
Payday Loan
A payday loan is a loan is a cash advance only until your next pay check. This loan is very useful if you need just enough money to get through the week until payday and the cash is usually in your hands in just a couple of minutes.
There are institutions that will pay usually around R500 and then could increase to R1,000 after a matter of time.
Much like a personal loan, there are secured and unsecured options. Although the majority of institutions will not require you to own a home, you could have other property you could put up for security. Also most banks do not offer a payday loan so beware you do not get scammed as the internet is filled with offers that are not real.
Most likely you will have to have a bank account and proven employment to get a cash advance. If you can produce proof of both employment and a bank account, you should have no problem getting a loan. In some rare cases a cash advance institution might do a credit background check on you.
If you decide you are going to take out a payday loan you should know that it can be very risky playing this game if you don't intend to pay it right back when you get your pay check. The reason is if you default on any payments you will be looking at a 20% increase on interest and that interest will just increase more and more and could get you in a considerable amount of debt. If you know you can't pay it back, you're better off not taking out a cash advance.
Things to Consider
Cash loans can be a very convenient option depending on your situation. If you need cash fast and you don't have a credit card or anybody you can borrow from, this can be a good option for you. Maybe you just want the leisure of having extra cash in case you need it. It is up to you.
Personal loans can offer you small to medium amounts of money with a flexible way of paying back the money you borrowed while improving your credit score. Interest rates will vary but will be a lot better than cash advance or payday interest rates.
Payday loans are good for you if you are in a bind and need money fast and can pay that money back sooner than later. A payday loan offers you a quick and hassle free way to put money in your pocket to get though the day, the week and if needed the month. The interest rates are a lot higher so the sooner you pay them back the better.