If you are not a newcomer in the loan world, then you are probably aware that it is no longer mandatory to provide collateral in order to get loans. The name of such a loan scheme is unsecured personal loan. It is a loan for which you do not have to pledge any valuable personal asset.
Unsecured personal loans are ideal for non-homeowners and tenants who have no asset like a home to their name. Such candidates had to struggle for approval before. Now they can stop worrying about their status. Even those homeowners who are not interested in pledging their home as security against money have found their financial refuge in these loans.
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Unsecured personal loans may be taken for a variety of reasons. There are personal purposes for which you need some external financial help- like auto purchase, home improvement, college education, medical fees, weddings and family holiday trips. You can get the required financial backing for any of them through these loans.
Unsecured personal loans are approved to customers based on their credentials. Your income and debt-to-income ratio will be taken into account for assessing your repayment capacity. Your repayment capacity, credit status and requirements determine how much amount will be approved as your unsecured personal loan. You can avail an amount in the range of £1000-£25000. Depending upon how much you are borrowing, your loan term will be fixed for a period between 1 and 10 years.
Unsecured personal loans are more advantageous than other loan options in any ways. Firs of all, your assets are free and no obligation has to be placed upon them for your financial need. This also makes loan processing faster as there is no need to spend time in appraising the market value of your assets. Loans secured on homes are also affected by external factors like general fall in house prices and economic slumps. This does not happen with unsecured personal loans. The only thing that needs to be watched out for is interest rates which can be higher than traditional loans. You can compare lenders' quotes through their online sites to avail comparatively lower rates.